Friday, December 21, 2007


Every year we have evaluations at work. There is a line that asks about your educational attainment and goals. Every year I wrote that I intended to earn a Master's degree, usually in a field with no relationship to my job. This year I decided to stop fooling myself.

I am never going to earn a Master's degree. I was fortunate to finish my Bachelor's. If it wasn't for my Mom and Tabitha pushing me I would still be about 12 units short of my degree. Me and school have always had an uneasy relationship.

There were too many distractions in college - UEFA Champions League Football, work, sleep, and Tabitha. I would take a class and then get distracted by some tangential topic covered in class. I would then fall behind while devouring everything I could find on that topic. While it satisfied my curiosity it did nothing for my grades.

It turns out that educational mediocrity has a long history in my family. I am somewhat unique in being a 3rd generation college graduate. However, Grandpa, Dad and I all struggled to complete our degrees. I struggled and I now have no delusions of ever continuing my "formal" education.

My educational goal is now: "to read everything I can on topics that I find interesting." I just need a bigger library.

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