Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did You Hear Something?

It must be my stomach. One of my many problems is that I constantly think about food. When I'm eating breakfast I'm thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch. When I eat lunch, I think about a snack. You get the picture.

This morning I decided to go on a short fast. This is for a few reasons. First, I've never done it before. Second, I need the discipline of doing it. I'm a prisoner of my appetite. Lastly, we are helping our little church feed the homeless tonight. It would be good for me to know what it would be like to be hungry.

Now I need to stay out of the kitchen. On the counter rest the brownies I made on Sunday. In the corner is the chocolate from Valentines Day. In the fridge, my cheese calls for me.

I'll keep you posted.


ellieherrity said...

be strong, tim.

be strong.

(you could always just give me your cheese.)

Sally said...

Hang in there....you can do it!!!